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“Though she be but little, she is fierce.” William Shakespeare Megan (Meagan, Meghan); meaning strong and capable, pearl, a child of light. My parents had a plaque in my room as a child that said “Megan, Exalted one”. When you’re a kid you have no idea what the hell people are talking about when they […]
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit. Aristotle What does this mean? We are our habits; what we do day in and day out, how we react, how we treat others, and how we treat ourselves. Therefore these habits (both good and bad) become who we are. Luckily, […]
I may cry right now.(fanning face) Don’t worry, it’s happy tears. I did it! I am a Certified Health, Wellness, and Life Coach! Tears are necessary right now, and I am completely ok with that.In fact to be honest I actually cried and ran around my house with my arms up in the air when […]