The Whole beauty method
Flourish inside and out. Knowledge is power and the flourish blog delivers the latest beauty and health information to sustainably apply to your life today. 



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Simple sleep tips are going to go a long way for your health and your sleep. Making small, tiny changes in your lifestyle and behavior is what Flourish Everyday Coaching is all about. We help you take these sleep tips, apply them to your life, stay consistent and hold you accountable. Why simple, small, and […]

Simple Sleep Tips

the latest

What are sleep needs? They are our biological need for sleep(hours, and quality), and the behavior that aligns with our sleep to help us to achieve those goals. Sleep also changes as we age, our environment changes, or circumstances. In terms of a child, needs can vary very quickly as they rapidly grow, develop and […]

Sleep Needs


Restless legs at night time affecting your sleep? As a sleep consultant the symptom of restless legs at night time comes up quite often. Why is this happening, and how can we get rid of it? Before you go off and start buying melatonin and boat loads of vitamins, please read all the way to […]

Restless Legs At Night Time



Another year older, another new grade, maybe even a new school! Either way children and parents must transition from summer mode to a new routine of school and activities. This can be really hard for both children and parents. Whether your child is entering Preschool, Elementary, Middle School or High School. Going from the relaxed […]


Hey friends! This blog post today is going to be the quick tip advice every sleep deprived parent needs, short, sweet and straight to the point! In my experience as a Pediatric Sleep consultant these are the 3 most common sleep disruptors among children. They might not be what you think, so read all the […]

3 Common Sleep Disruptors



Nutrition when working out. What should you eat, how much, and how often? Before we get down to these details, let’s talk about the fitness industry and the mentality in our society. Common fitness and nutrition practices today. 2. Unfortunately, even today it remains very common to prioritize excessive exercise, punishing our bodies, and barely […]

Nutrition When Working Out


nutrition when working out

Children’s growth & development. Why do children need more sleep? As parents we continually want to go about our busy lives and ignore the advice that children need naps and an early bedtime. Truth is, It’s an inconvenience. Here is why children need more sleep and why you should start to prioritize it today. Children’s […]

children's growth & development

Why do babies sleep so much? Why does my child sleep all day and not at night? Why is my child a bad sleeper? All questions associated with children’s sleep. This blog is going to first educate you on a child’s sleep cycles, how they differ from adults, and why it is so important for […]

Children’s Sleep

