What is wrong with you?
Shock, disbelief, alarm, something has to be wrong. Did something bad happen? Why would you ever leave a 6-figure business and move to another state to start over again at the age of 38? All of these questions have been raised since I announced my retirement from the hair and makeup industry. Why would I ever leave a career I’m really good at and make great money doing?
It was not an easy decision and if I am being honest leaving behind client’s who have become family and a cushy income is probably one of the hardest things I will ever have to do. The truth is, as good as I am at doing hair, it was no longer fulfilling me. The growth wasn’t evident to me anymore, and I knew I wanted to do more on a deeper level.
There is always such a great feeling about having your hair done. I was making people feel amazing about themselves, but it was fleeting. When I was certified as a Life Coach I realized this is it! I will be working from the inside out and will keep that amazing feeling of just having your hair done, but for every day! Showing up for ourselves on a daily basis continually brings us joy, confidence, and motivation to grow and be better EVERYDAY.
“I will be open to all unique opportunities.”
In December of 2021 I was invited to an annual Christmas party for a small women’s group in the area. They are all badass female entrepreneurs looking to lift each other up, make connections, and make money. They had a huge white board in the living room of the apartment we were gathering in and the board was open to go and write your goals for the year of 2022. Since I was new there was no pressure, but I actually knew what I wanted my goal for 2022 to be. I went and took a marker and wrote “I will be open to all unique opportunities.”. It didn’t mean too much then, but looking back now if I hadn’t written down that goal, and meditated on it every day I really don’t know if I would have been open to all the changes that are happening in my life now.
While this event brought clarity into my personal growth vision, another life event, the passing of my Father in-law at the age of 70 brought the fire. That superficial feeling I was getting at work, I was also getting in my personal life. After my Father in-law passed from a long illness on Christmas Day, I went to a family event the following day to celebrate the holiday as weird as it felt (you can’t cancel Christmas for kids). Talking to my Dad, my brother’s, and sister’s, I realized OMIGOSH I literally don’t know anything about their lives, and they know nothing about mine. We all ask vague questions, “how are you?”, “what’s new?”, “how’s work?”. I’m sure you get the picture. After that day I started reflecting on why I would be doing this? The only thing I could come up with was because I felt uncomfortable for some reason, and this goes back all the way to my childhood, my grandparents, and most likely my Great-grandparents. We would talk about life but nothing deep or personal. We all love each-other more than anything but the deeper connection I craved and KNEW I needed to make my life have more meaning wasn’t there. I made another goal right then and there that I would make deep connections this year. I would speak my mind, spend present time with people, and always be authentically me(even if I felt uncomfortable).
I immediately got to work. I wrote my Dad a letter.
I cried, and was completely transparent and honest writing to my Dad. It felt so far out of my comfort zone, but also so right. I had no idea how he would react to me being so honest, confrontational, and basically telling him I was going to coach him to better health and sustainable ways of taking care of himself, because there are ways to prevent illness and I will not sit back and be silent. I sent the email(This goes to show you how little we know about each other). My heartfelt letter went to some other Dad because I typed in the wrong gmail. HA. I agonized over it for a day when I didn’t get a reaction from my Dad. Finally I got the courage to text him about it and found out it was my mistake lol. My Dad did finally get his letter, he also became my first health coaching client. We have learned so much more about each other and it also opened up our communication to one another. I am so grateful I was open to this opportunity to build a better relationship with my Dad.
“I’m terrified, let’s do it!”
When my husband and I discussed moving to be closer to family, something just felt right about it. As scary as it sounded to leave our home we love, our friends, and my business that I worked my ass off to build, my exact words were “I’m terrified, let’s do it!!”.
My home is wherever my family is. Wherever they are, I am happy, loved, and supported. I know we can overcome ANYTHING together. Growth only comes by taking chances. Getting out of my comfort zone with my Dad, showed me big rewards come only when we make a change.
Every single moment in my life has brought me right where I am supposed to be. All the connections, inspirations, lessons, setbacks, stress, and failures, have brought me to the future of possibilities. I sit here in a shit ton of unknowns so freaking excited I have goosebumps. Money isn’t everything. It is never too late to go after what you want. Life is way too short to sit back miserable, unfulfilled, and not sharing your unique gifts with the world.
Take it from me, as soon as I made the decision to pursue a different career path I felt so free and unstoppable. Not because I don’t love my colleagues and my clients, but because I knew it was right. Deep down in my soul I knew I was following the path to my destiny. I am still scared to death. I still doubt myself daily. I still have so much work to do, but you know what? I can do all things I set my mind to. I have built a business from the ground up, and I will do it again! I will learn from past mistakes and make it even better. I will use my passion, my onlyness, and authentic voice to create a business that will help people find theirs.
“You’re only stuck if you choose to be stuck.”
Looking back on my 20 year career as a hairdresser I learned countless things about business, techniques, and PEOPLE. I made some of the best friends that I have had for years, and still continue to have friendships with. For a while I thought I had to stay with this career because this is what I chose, waaay back when I was 17 years old, a baby, I chose to go to cosmetology school. At that time I didn’t want to go to college, I hated school, I wanted something fun and easy. Somehow I lucked out and naturally became good at it, and I did have so much fun(probably too much fun). I changed countless people’s lives along the way, and made more money than I ever thought was possibly in the industry and by myself. I am so proud of myself and my business, but I had to say goodbye. It wasn’t lighting me up any longer. I wasn’t excited or exhilarated the way I used to be.
When I started my certifications to be a coach I had the future in mind, when my body couldn’t take hairstyling any longer I would do the coaching full time. I had no idea that Coaching would fill me with so much purpose that I could not ignore it. My dominoes started falling, I remembered my goal “I will be open to all unique opportunities”, and started assessing my options for a career change.
“If someone told me 6 months ago I would be moving to New York, I would have said you are crazy.”
What do you love to do? Find that career. Where do you want to be in life? Start working on it today. Don’t go crazy, just tiny changes to who you want to me. Feeling lost within your days? Unfulfilled? Find what lights you up and test out new things. It’s going to be scary as hell, you will doubt yourself daily, but don’t give up. Find the fire, the purpose to who you are and what you should be doing in this glorious life. I am here to help you out. Use my story as your inspiration. Use my mistakes to hop you over a couple obstacles unscathed. Nothing we do is ever by accident, those 20 years of experience I have working with thousands of people, listening, solving problems, oh, yeah, those 20 years gave me the confidence to support YOU and help you find your dream career, income, and healthy lifestyle. I can’t freaking wait to see what you can do!
Repeat after me,
I will be bold and brave. I will set the example I want to see in the world. Everyday I will grow stronger, better.
Want to change the world? Start with yourself. Don’t let age, stereotypes, or money hold you back from what you are destined to do. You can do all things. You are worthy of it all.
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