Sleep sacks for babies newborn to 18 months old. When do you stop using a swaddle and when does a sleep sack become dangerous for a toddler? Why do we even use sleep sacks to begin with? As a certified sleep consultant these questions come up pretty often with my clients. I am going to explain why sleep sacks are great, some of my favorite products and why you should use them.
I am not affiliated with any of these companies. These recommendations come from experience and the AAP standard guidelines for safe sleep.
Newborn sleep sacks.
The Halo Swaddle Sleep Sack is my absolute favorite when it comes to newborns. Finding a sleep sack on the internet can lead to a black hole of options and information overload. Let’s keep it simple!
1.The cotton wearable black with the swaddle option allows you to easily swaddle your baby with the velcro flaps and have it stay put all night.
2.The cotton allows for the baby to be warm but not overheated. You never want to overheat a baby!
3.Another great thing about the swaddle sleep sack is that it will grow with your child. As your baby gets older you can swaddle one arm in and one out, or keep the arms out and still keep the swaddle snug around their middle as you transition to no swaddle.
Halo also has a transition wearable blanket from the swaddles to the regular sleep sack. This company and safe sleep design was created after the founder of Halo lost his little one to SIDS. I love that these items have 100% safety in mind with anything that they create.
Infant Sleep Sacks
The Halo 100% Cotton sleep Sack is hands down my favorite. (as I said above I am not affiliated with Halo. Maybe I should be, ha!). Safety is always my top priority and Halo always has this covered!
Comfortable. The material is super soft, flexible and breathable. Keeping the baby warm, able to move freely, and not overheating the child. Keep in mind your child should have no blanket in their crib until 12 months old.
Why do I not recommend a weighted sleep suit like the merlin sleep suit or the Nested Bean Zen Sleep Sack? The merlin suit or Zen Sack might work great for your child. With each of my sleep programs I tell the parents it might take a little trial and error to find which sleep sack works best for your little one. As long as the sleep sack is safe and appropriate for where they are at developmentally try what you want.
Look for these things when sleep sack shopping:
- Can the child move freely while still being safe?
- Can the child bring their hands to their mouth to soothe themselves?
- Is the suit too warm or heavy?
- Can they use their arms if they were to roll over?
1 year and up sleep sacks.
How old is too old for a sleep sack? There really is no set age. Use your best judgment and absolutely no blankets in the crib before a child is 12 months old. If your child is comfortable in their sleep sack, keep them in it! Unless it is a danger to them(standing up and tripping, which is rare)I would recommend keeping them in the sleep sack over a blanket. If your child is standing, there is a wearable blanket with legs. I don’t like this one as much since it is more like pajamas with their feet out and less like a blanket. If you are nervous about them tripping thought, go for it! You will know they are always safe, warm and comfortable all night long.
Safe Sleep Check
It is HARD to be sleep deprived human when your child isn’t sleeping well, and trust me your child is just as exhausted. As parents we will do or buy anything to get them to sleep well(I have been there). No matter how tired you are, always keep safe sleep in mind and follow these protocols. Also don’t be afraid to reach out for help! Unfortunately sleep sacks will not teach your child sleep skills. At FED Coaching we customize a sleep program to your unique child and family unit. There is no such thing as one size fits all sleep plan. We are here to help, Contact us today!
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