The Whole beauty method
Flourish inside and out. Knowledge is power and the flourish blog delivers the latest beauty and health information to sustainably apply to your life today. 



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Is my child ready to drop a nap? Here are some signs to look for and tips on how to test if dropping a nap is the right decision. As children grow they need less sleep during the day and a large chunk of quality sleep at night. Just because they are a certain age […]

Is My Child Ready to Drop a Nap?

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Falling asleep can sometimes be tricky. We are constantly go go go, and to ask the human body to suddenly rest on command can be difficult if our brain is stimulated and telling us otherwise. There are also situations where you fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow, but you are still […]

3 Ways to Fall Asleep Fast



Hey friends! This blog post today is going to be the quick tip advice every sleep deprived parent needs, short, sweet and straight to the point! In my experience as a Pediatric Sleep consultant these are the 3 most common sleep disruptors among children. They might not be what you think, so read all the […]

3 Common Sleep Disruptors



Baby Wake windows. Whether you have a newborn, infant or toddler, wake windows are super important to understand and pay attention to everyday. Get excited to first learn so much about your child and second have a much easier time getting them to sleep! What is a wake window? Why does my baby sleep so […]


What is the sleep regression timeline and how can we predict them? The word regression I hear more and more nowadays.” My child is in a sleep regression”. “They will grow out of this regression.” “It’s just a little regression”. I don’t know about you, but every disruption in my child’s sleep I blamed on […]

Sleep Regression Timeline



Teething & sleep disruptions! When my daughter was a baby my husband and I would blame any tiny mood change, cry, or sleep disruption on teething. After a YEAR we finally figured out that it literally had nothing to do with teeth, it was just our daughter being a baby, growing through milestones, having occasional […]

Teething & Sleep Disruptions



Children’s growth & development. Why do children need more sleep? As parents we continually want to go about our busy lives and ignore the advice that children need naps and an early bedtime. Truth is, It’s an inconvenience. Here is why children need more sleep and why you should start to prioritize it today. Children’s […]

children's growth & development

How sleep works. Even though I specialize in pediatric sleep, it is just as important for the parents to get adequate rest and also understand why it is so important for the whole family! Sleep is a biological human need that is 100% necessary. Contrary to popular belief it is not a luxury, we actually […]

Sleep & How it works.
