The Whole beauty method
Flourish inside and out. Knowledge is power and the flourish blog delivers the latest beauty and health information to sustainably apply to your life today. 



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What is the sleep regression timeline and how can we predict them? The word regression I hear more and more nowadays.” My child is in a sleep regression”. “They will grow out of this regression.” “It’s just a little regression”. I don’t know about you, but every disruption in my child’s sleep I blamed on […]

Sleep Regression Timeline

the latest

Teething & sleep disruptions! When my daughter was a baby my husband and I would blame any tiny mood change, cry, or sleep disruption on teething. After a YEAR we finally figured out that it literally had nothing to do with teeth, it was just our daughter being a baby, growing through milestones, having occasional […]

Teething & Sleep Disruptions



Children’s growth & development. Why do children need more sleep? As parents we continually want to go about our busy lives and ignore the advice that children need naps and an early bedtime. Truth is, It’s an inconvenience. Here is why children need more sleep and why you should start to prioritize it today. Children’s […]

Children’s Growth & Development


children's growth & development

Why do babies sleep so much? Why does my child sleep all day and not at night? Why is my child a bad sleeper? All questions associated with children’s sleep. This blog is going to first educate you on a child’s sleep cycles, how they differ from adults, and why it is so important for […]


If you are a parent you know that there really isn’t anything easy about parenting. How can there be an “easy” approach then? This method is the acronym E.A.S.Y. by The Baby Whisperer herself Tracey Hogg. It is definitely worth reading about, but since you are a busy, tired mom I am going to break […]

The Easy Approach to Parenting


the easy approach to parenting

70% of women get postpartum depression that can look like sadness, crankiness, and anxiousness. This sounds like a lot of of us postpartum right? There are three levels of postpartum depression, and this level is called the “baby blues”, and the most common. This condition isn’t usually treated by a doctor, but there are ways […]

Why 70% of Women get Postpartum Depression.



Looking back at my postpartum weight loss timeline I made many mistakes. I often had no idea what I was doing, thought it would be easy, and my expectations were way out of control compared to reality.  Markedly this was incredibly frustrating being a new mom, in a foreign body, adjusting to taking care of […]


What to expect postpartum? Well first lets understand what it actually means. The postpartum definition means; following childbirth, or the birth of young.  It is considered to be the time after your child’s birth to about 6-8 weeks, after you have recovered from childbirth. Postpartum expectations have different meanings to different cultures and societies. Here […]

What to expect postpartum, and why one size doesn’t fit all.
