The Whole beauty method
Flourish inside and out. Knowledge is power and the flourish blog delivers the latest beauty and health information to sustainably apply to your life today. 



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Simple sleep tips are going to go a long way for your health and your sleep. Making small, tiny changes in your lifestyle and behavior is what Flourish Everyday Coaching is all about. We help you take these sleep tips, apply them to your life, stay consistent and hold you accountable. Why simple, small, and […]

Simple Sleep Tips

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Sleeping at daycare. Does my child’s routine at home have to match their schedule at daycare? How will they sleep with all the noise and stimulation? Going back to work and sending your child to daycare can be a stressful transition and a lot of questions can come up. As a sleep consultant I am […]

Sleeping At Daycare



Another year older, another new grade, maybe even a new school! Either way children and parents must transition from summer mode to a new routine of school and activities. This can be really hard for both children and parents. Whether your child is entering Preschool, Elementary, Middle School or High School. Going from the relaxed […]

Tired Child After School



What is a night terror? We have all been there as a parent when our child wakes up screaming and confused, but Night terrors and nightmares are notoriously confused between one another. Surprisingly they are different! Knowing the difference between the two sleep episodes can help you respond to the child in the correct manner. […]

what is a night terror?