The Whole beauty method
Flourish inside and out. Knowledge is power and the flourish blog delivers the latest beauty and health information to sustainably apply to your life today. 



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Looking back at my postpartum weight loss timeline I made many mistakes. I often had no idea what I was doing, thought it would be easy, and my expectations were way out of control compared to reality.  Markedly this was incredibly frustrating being a new mom, in a foreign body, adjusting to taking care of […]

The Postpartum Weight Loss Timeline.

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Puffy face, bad food cravings, always tired, sore muscles, achy joints, “mom brain”, depression, stress, anxiety, weight gain, and trouble losing weight. These are all things you can experience if you are not getting the proper recovery within your sleep. Let’s find out how recovery, sleep, and nutrition are all linked together. What is the […]

Recovery vs. 8 Hours of Sleep: The Dirty Details
