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Simple sleep tips are going to go a long way for your health and your sleep. Making small, tiny changes in your lifestyle and behavior is what Flourish Everyday Coaching is all about. We help you take these sleep tips, apply them to your life, stay consistent and hold you accountable. Why simple, small, and […]
As we head into November the inevitable happens, the clocks fall back an hour and disrupts sleep nationwide. Daylight savings and infant sleep can cause some confusion and crankiness within our children. For adults it is just as disruptive to our internal clock and as a result there are some shocking statistics when we spring […]
Sleeping at daycare. Does my child’s routine at home have to match their schedule at daycare? How will they sleep with all the noise and stimulation? Going back to work and sending your child to daycare can be a stressful transition and a lot of questions can come up. As a sleep consultant I am […]
As a health coach, the question of how much food is enough actually never comes up. The world has tainted our view of food being the enemy instead of fuel we actually need for our bodies to function properly and thrive. The constant mentality of eating less and moving more being the only way to […]
Short naps are particularly common with newborns during the first couple of months. Why is this when they are sleeping all of the time but in short little chunks of 30-45 minutes? Extending naps can be tricky and seem like an endless chore while newborns can be napping 6 or more times a day. Throughout […]
What are sleep needs? They are our biological need for sleep(hours, and quality), and the behavior that aligns with our sleep to help us to achieve those goals. Sleep also changes as we age, our environment changes, or circumstances. In terms of a child, needs can vary very quickly as they rapidly grow, develop and […]
Restless legs at night time affecting your sleep? As a sleep consultant the symptom of restless legs at night time comes up quite often. Why is this happening, and how can we get rid of it? Before you go off and start buying melatonin and boat loads of vitamins, please read all the way to […]
Another year older, another new grade, maybe even a new school! Either way children and parents must transition from summer mode to a new routine of school and activities. This can be really hard for both children and parents. Whether your child is entering Preschool, Elementary, Middle School or High School. Going from the relaxed […]