The Whole beauty method
Flourish inside and out. Knowledge is power and the flourish blog delivers the latest beauty and health information to sustainably apply to your life today. 


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How sleep works. Even though I specialize in pediatric sleep, it is just as important for the parents to get adequate rest and also understand why it is so important for the whole family! Sleep is a biological human need that is 100% necessary. Contrary to popular belief it is not a luxury, we actually […]

Sleep & How it works.

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Nighttime feedings can be a challenging aspect of caring for a baby, as it often means being awake for extended periods of time. However, understanding why your baby may be awake and hungry at night, as well as when it is appropriate to stop feeding them overnight, can make this process a bit easier to […]

Nighttime Feedings. The 3 Most Important Things to Know.


What to expect postpartum? Well first lets understand what it actually means. The postpartum definition means; following childbirth, or the birth of young.  It is considered to be the time after your child’s birth to about 6-8 weeks, after you have recovered from childbirth. Postpartum expectations have different meanings to different cultures and societies. Here […]

What to expect postpartum, and why one size doesn’t fit all.
