The Whole beauty method
Flourish inside and out. Knowledge is power and the flourish blog delivers the latest beauty and health information to sustainably apply to your life today. 


what to expect as a new parent

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What to expect as a new parent? Expect the unexpected! Each human being is unique and different! As much as we want to plan and know what becoming a parent will be like, we really don’t know until we meet our little one. When it comes to newborn sleep and predictions of how much sleep […]

What To Expect As A New Parent

the latest

Hey friends! This blog post today is going to be the quick tip advice every sleep deprived parent needs, short, sweet and straight to the point! In my experience as a Pediatric Sleep consultant these are the 3 most common sleep disruptors among children. They might not be what you think, so read all the […]

3 Common Sleep Disruptors



The dreaded 4 month sleep regression is one of the most commonly asked questions in my practice. Why is there a 4 month sleep regression? First, let’s get some education on what is happening within your child during this milestone, why it happens, and how to get through it. The 4 month sleep regression The […]

Why is There a 4 Month Sleep Regression


Why is my child crying?

This is a very common question, why does my baby take short naps? Depending on the age of your child there can be many reasons why your child isn’t sleeping as you would like them to for naps. Newborns’ sleep cycles are very short, about 30-45 minutes. At 6-weeks old the sleep cycles start to […]

why does my child take short naps?

How often should a baby be eating? What does eating have to do with sleeping? Here is an inside look on how and when a baby eats and how this affects their sleep. This baby feeding schedule can be customized to your baby’s age, temperament, formula, or breastmilk. When a child is getting efficient full […]

Baby Feeding Schedule


What is the sleep regression timeline and how can we predict them? The word regression I hear more and more nowadays.” My child is in a sleep regression”. “They will grow out of this regression.” “It’s just a little regression”. I don’t know about you, but every disruption in my child’s sleep I blamed on […]

Sleep Regression Timeline



Why in the world do toddlers resist bedtime so much? The extra energy, the manic running around, the long list of bedtime demands and procrastination of pajamas and brushing of teeth. All the while parents are at their most depleted energy level, desperate for some alone time after a long day. You are not alone! […]

toddler bedtime battles

Teething & sleep disruptions! When my daughter was a baby my husband and I would blame any tiny mood change, cry, or sleep disruption on teething. After a YEAR we finally figured out that it literally had nothing to do with teeth, it was just our daughter being a baby, growing through milestones, having occasional […]

Teething & Sleep Disruptions

