The Whole beauty method
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children's growth & development

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Children’s growth & development. Why do children need more sleep? As parents we continually want to go about our busy lives and ignore the advice that children need naps and an early bedtime. Truth is, It’s an inconvenience. Here is why children need more sleep and why you should start to prioritize it today. Children’s […]

Children’s Growth & Development

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How sleep works. Even though I specialize in pediatric sleep, it is just as important for the parents to get adequate rest and also understand why it is so important for the whole family! Sleep is a biological human need that is 100% necessary. Contrary to popular belief it is not a luxury, we actually […]

Sleep & How it works.


If you are a parent you know that there really isn’t anything easy about parenting. How can there be an “easy” approach then? This method is the acronym E.A.S.Y. by The Baby Whisperer herself Tracey Hogg. It is definitely worth reading about, but since you are a busy, tired mom I am going to break […]

The Easy Approach to Parenting


the easy approach to parenting