Resolutions For The New Year

resolutions for the new year

Before we start making resolutions for the new year let’s start by reflecting back on the past year. See how far you have come and celebrate it!! Every single thing that has happened (wins and failures) has brought you where you are today. You are right where you are supposed to be my friend. So before you think of January as a “fresh start” look how much you have grown and see where you can get even better!!

I love the quote “I never lose, I either win or learn. “ Nelson Mandela. I truly believe there are no bad goals or decisions. We might have regrets and always wonder if we are doing the right thing, but the universe always has a plan for us. WE just have to be willing to show up for the hard parts and trust the process.

Resolutions change.

This past year the goals I made in January had little to no meaning when my husband and I unexpectedly decided to uproot our family and move to another state. The decision felt HUGE but also right. Doesn’t mean we didn’t question that we were doing the right thing over and over again. Trusting the process is so hard but there are little things that help.

Look for the signs.

One day as my husband was trail running (he is an ultra-marathon trail runner) he came across a man running with a cast. He stopped to encourage him and they got to talking. Come to find out he is an ultra trail runner as well, owns a tech company in our new town, and was actually hiring for a position that my husband specializes in. My husband wasn’t even looking for a job!!! He saw the signs, took the opportunity and now works locally with at least 3-4 other bad-ass men that are also Ultra Trail runners. Goals change.

Speaking of changes. For myself I left my business in Maine to build a new business as a Women’s Health Coach, and be more present in my daughter’s life. The changes continue to come!! While looking for solutions for my postpartum mama clients to help with their sleep deprivation, a Pediatric Sleep Certification popped up within my research.

It sounded so intriguing so I applied and interviewed for the program and was accepted!! I questioned, is this my right path? I didn’t even know this existed a couple weeks ago!  After many hours of research and thought the signs told me this is right. Sleep is my number one self-care habit and if I can help children and families get the sleep they need then I am in!

Resolutions for the new year.

My goals this year look very different than they have ever before. If you are on my newsletter you will already know that I have been diligently practicing on connecting with people over material things. Giving over receiving. Focusing on quality over quantity. Staying true to myself, my values, and boundaries. Showing up for my needs, and my family’s needs before anything else.

Looking back on 2022 there were so many challenges, and MAJOR changes in my life. There were mistakes made, and some of the most beautiful moments spent with my family. I wouldn’t change any of it for the world. I am so proud of how far I’ve come, how I have grown and how I am giving back to the world. Is it easy? Hell no. Will I make changes? Absolutely. Isn’t that the point of living? First, I am going to celebrate!

Before you set your resolutions, reflect.

  1. Look how far you have come!!! 

2. Write down all the accomplishments that happened for you this past year.

3. Write down the biggest mistakes or things you want to change.

4. Write down your goals and make them realistically TINY. I mean teeny tiny so you literally can’t NOT succeed. Dreaming big is great but you have to be able to sustain all the steps leading up to the dream. 

5. Be open to changing your goals as the year goes on. LOOK FOR THE SIGNS. Sometimes we are so caught up with our plan we miss obvious signs taking us in a different direction.

One Resolution that rang true.

Last year, I remember being at a women’s group Christmas party. They had us all write some of our goals on a huge white board that was leaning against a wall in the living room. I only knew a couple of people there, but I felt bold enough to get up and write one up there. I wrote, “I will be open to all unique opportunities in 2022.”. Look where that has taken me. Unique is the key word.

If you make a resolution, a goal, a commitment, put this one on there, “I will be open to all unique opportunities.”. Repeat it, manifest it, don’t settle for the regular, look for the signs.I can’t wait to see what 2023 has to offer for ME. My eyes are wide open and my heart and soul are ready to live. Happy New Year!!


Reflecting on how far I have come since 2021.

Blog January 2021- Dear 2020. Thank you!

Blog January 2021- Little things make big things happen

January 2022- This is a must read!! I took the risks and my own advice and have grown exponentially!!

My coaching practice started as a business that I did on the side, while living a completely other life. In order for me to truly grow I had to let go of what was holding me back and truly commit to what makes me happy and can make a difference in the world. It had to start with change in ME. In tiny little resolutions I set for myself each year.

Ready to change your life? I am on a hot mission to help families all over the world educate themselves on sleep and get the rest they desperately need.

Sign up for my programs here. I can’t wait to meet you!

Need guidance on how to invest in yourself in 2023. Read here!

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