The Whole beauty method
Flourish inside and out. Knowledge is power and the flourish blog delivers the latest beauty and health information to sustainably apply to your life today. 



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A balanced daily routine is one of the most important things to build for yourself. I have always been a routine oriented person, thriving off of doing the same things weekly, and daily, but balanced can be very difficult to find.  It really wasn’t until 3 years ago though where I took a life changing […]

Balanced Daily Routine

the latest

Empowerment for moms packed into a weekly email. Empowerhood is a newsletter series of REAL life mom stories by real mamas. We like to think of it as empowerment+motherhood= Empowerhood. Be inspired by these incredible women! From small mistakes and huge challenges, to grief and loss. Reward and triumphs, setbacks and gains. Come along with us […]

Empowerment For Moms



The dreaded 4 month sleep regression is one of the most commonly asked questions in my practice. Why is there a 4 month sleep regression? First, let’s get some education on what is happening within your child during this milestone, why it happens, and how to get through it. The 4 month sleep regression The […]

Why is There a 4 Month Sleep Regression


Why is my child crying?

Nutrition when working out. What should you eat, how much, and how often? Before we get down to these details, let’s talk about the fitness industry and the mentality in our society. Common fitness and nutrition practices today. 2. Unfortunately, even today it remains very common to prioritize excessive exercise, punishing our bodies, and barely […]

nutrition when working out

This is a very common question, why does my baby take short naps? Depending on the age of your child there can be many reasons why your child isn’t sleeping as you would like them to for naps. Newborns’ sleep cycles are very short, about 30-45 minutes. At 6-weeks old the sleep cycles start to […]

Why Does My Child Take Short Naps?


why does my child take short naps?

The unknown can be unbearable, especially when you are already sleep deprived, emotional, and hormonal. Here are some of my favorite tips on how to prepare for sleep training, not only for yourself but for the whole family. I am a planner. So my planner’s mindset likes to know what is going to happen and […]

How To Prepare For Sleep Training



How often should a baby be eating? What does eating have to do with sleeping? Here is an inside look on how and when a baby eats and how this affects their sleep. This baby feeding schedule can be customized to your baby’s age, temperament, formula, or breastmilk. When a child is getting efficient full […]

What is the sleep regression timeline and how can we predict them? The word regression I hear more and more nowadays.” My child is in a sleep regression”. “They will grow out of this regression.” “It’s just a little regression”. I don’t know about you, but every disruption in my child’s sleep I blamed on […]

Sleep Regression Timeline

