The Whole beauty method
Flourish inside and out. Knowledge is power and the flourish blog delivers the latest beauty and health information to sustainably apply to your life today. 


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Yikes!! Eating healthy these days is not easy. Especially with the internet pulling us in all different directions on what is good or bad for our bodies. I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s (1984 baby), which was home to every fad diet you could imagine. There was no internet to tell you what […]

Calories and Macros Debunked

the latest

“The universe has my back. Everything I need to manifest my desires is lining up for me right now.” Jen Sincero It has been one whole year since I started this blog. Can you believe that!?! My journey and self growth has been incredible in 2021 and I seriously can’t wait to see what the […]

3 Ways To Show Up For Yourself In 2022

self help

“Journaling is powerful for many reasons: Many of us don’t truly know what we think about something until we investigate it, challenge it, and write it down.” – Marie Forleo Journal entry 12/15/20: “Greye decided to clean the bathroom with hand sanitizer, which we found out is very slippery when spread all over the wood […]

What went well?


“It’s possible to pursue something for yourself while simultaneously showing up well for the people you love. It’s possible to be a great mother and great entrepreneur. It’s possible to be an awesome wife and still want to get together regularly with your girlfriends. It’s possible to be this and that. It’s possible to decide […]