The Whole beauty method
Flourish inside and out. Knowledge is power and the flourish blog delivers the latest beauty and health information to sustainably apply to your life today. 


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Mindset is EVERYTHING. Ever have a bad day where your mind is in such a funk that literally nothing can go right? Everything has gone wrong and continues to keep happening to YOU. Feeling like a victim, struggling to get a new perspective, begging for the day to just end!  We all have days like […]

3 Mindset Tricks You Have to Try

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What is a Coach? Someone asked me the other day, “What is it that you do?”. I was kind of taken aback because I feel so deeply about my job as a coach that I just expect people to understand it completely. I eat, breathe, and sleep, my coaching methods! I am a living example, […]

What the Heck is a Coach?


“We are a culture of people who’ve bought into the idea that if we stay busy enough, the truth of our lives will not catch up with us.” Brene Brown Our world is busier than ever. Each day is so jam-packed with work, activities, crises’, notifications, and distractions we can barely survive without feeling stressed, […]

Productivity Over “Busy”


Do you have joint pain? Aches and pains that move around your body from day today? Our bodies are communicating with us that something is not right. Inflammation is a natural process that the body uses to fight infections and injuries, but chronic and excessive inflammation is concerning. Sometimes we mask these aches and pains […]

“Though she be but little, she is fierce.” William Shakespeare Megan (Meagan, Meghan); meaning strong and capable, pearl, a child of light. My parents had a plaque in my room as a child that said “Megan, Exalted one”. When you’re a kid you have no idea what the hell people are talking about when they […]

My Story Part 2


The Day it All Began It all came down to my daughter. I thought being a mom would let me off the hook from actually trying in life, from actually using my true potential. I thought it would be enough, and that sacrificing myself, and my gifts was what you do when you become a […]

My Story Part One


Yikes!! Eating healthy these days is not easy. Especially with the internet pulling us in all different directions on what is good or bad for our bodies. I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s (1984 baby), which was home to every fad diet you could imagine. There was no internet to tell you what […]

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit. Aristotle What does this mean? We are our habits; what we do day in and day out, how we react, how we treat others, and how we treat ourselves. Therefore these habits (both good and bad) become who we are. Luckily, […]

Become A Habit Queen
